
Yesterday I discovered WordPress’s “prompt of the day” and thought it was so cool. Each day they have a new prompt to respond to. What better way to practice being a “writer” is there? Yesterday’s prompt was “Erasure: If you could erase one moment from your past, what would it be?” This got me thinking hard for one big event or bad situation I could take back…of course, there are so many instances in my life that I wish simply did not happen at all, like that fender bender I got into in or the nasty fight I had with my brother. I wish I could have responded perfectly to a rude comment a certain someone made or stood up for myself in a situation that called for it, but I didn’t because was afraid of confrontation or of being rude myself.

There are so many “what if’s” swirling around in my ahead that it is overwhelming. Sometimes I harm myself and my mental health by thinking this way “What if this happened” or “What if that had gone another way” does not help me deal with the here and now of my life. To be honest, If I erased things that have happened to me I probably would not be the person I am today. I’d like to think that things happen for a reason and go by the old saying “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”. Hopefully I have learned from all these situations that I would prefer to simply “erase” and have become a better person as a result. One thing I know for sure is that if I sit here wallowing in all of the things I wish I had done, or could take back, I will be sitting here for a looooong time (and probably not in a very good mood). I know that all I can do is learn from my mistakes, acknowledge them, make promises to do better and move forward! It’s okay to look back, but don’t get stuck there.


4 thoughts on “Erasure

  1. “It’s okay to look back, but don’t get stuck there.” This is such a powerful line. Thanks for mentioning the wordpress prompt thing – I had no idea that existed.

  2. I was going to select the same comment at Megan. I agree, your words are so powerful and your post so thought provoking. While we all have ‘regrets’ or thinks we wish we could simply erase, it is better to learn from them and move on. They are called “lessons” for a reason.

  3. yes many of us seem to be on a similar tract today – a bit reflective. I wonder if this comes from all the writing? No matter the source, the beauty and power of your words are clear: dont’ get stuck!

  4. What a completely relatable topic. As I was reading your post there were instances swirling through my mind as well. I will be taking your advice though, no getting stuck for me!

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